Tool List
We carry common hand and power tools you would expect a garage to have. We do not carry model specific tools (timing tools, odd sized wrenches or sockets, etc). You can bring and use your own tools if you prefer. We do not carry brake clean in the shop.

General hand tools:
1/4", 3/8", & 1/2" drive socket sets, non-marring lug sockets, spark plug sockets, wrenches, ratchet wrenches, slim wrenches, flex-head wrenches, vice grips, feeler gauge, screwdrivers (w/JIS & pozi), pliers, snap ring pliers, crowfoot set, hammers, mallets, small sledges, hex keys (short and long), torx & e-torx, triple square set, 1/2" breaker bar, c-clamps.
Autel MX906BT scanner
Autel TPMS tool
1/2" drive impacts
Automatic tire changer
Digital wheel balancer (we stock stick-on type of weights only)
Tire bead seater
Motorcycle wheel balancer
EVAP leak tester
OBDII scanner
Innovate portable wideband
Battery load tester
Digital micrometer
Digital caliper
Infared thermometer
Ultrasonic cleaner
Borescope camera
Torque wrench (1/4, 3/8 & 1/2")
Torque sticks
Carb synchronizer
Power brake bleeder
Valve spring compressor
Piston ring compressor
Compression tester
Leak down tester
Fuel pressure tester
Pneumatic fan clutch tool
Ball joint tool set
Ball joint press
Gear puller
Brake caliper piston return tool
Strut spring compressor tool
Chain cleaner
Cycle clutch basket tool
Oil filter wrench kit
Cycle tire spoon set
Angle grinder
Cut off wheel
Bench grinder
Air hammer/chisel
Chain riveter/breaker
Tap/die set
Cable oiler
Stud remover/installer set
Rivet gun
Soldering iron
Bench vise
Drill press
Fender roller
Battery charger/car starter
Shop press
Engine stand
Motorcycle jack
Transmission jack
Engine hoist
Transmission fluid exchange machine
Sand blast cabinet
Parts wash tank